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  • Loreta, Professional Personal Trainer

    Years of Experience

    • 8 Years


    • National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer
    • National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified Nutrition Coach
    • Hard style Kettlebell Club Certified
    • Functional Movement Screen Certified
    • CES - Corrective Exercise Specialist Certified

    Personal training is a passion of Loreta's. She enjoys creating a healthy difference in her clients' lives to ensure they meet all of their goals. Loreta applies her skills and expertise in fitness assessments, corrective, and functional training to develop in-depth individualized training programs as well as guide clients through appropriate dietary recommendations for weight management and healthy living. "Life has its ups and downs....we call them squats"

    in my free time I like to
    Gardening, Cooking, and Remodeling houses

    Complimentary Fit Evaluation
  • Kathan, Professional Personal Trainer

    Years of Experience

    • 2 Years


    • National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified in Senior Fitness
    • Bachelors of Science in Liberal Arts
    • TRX SuspensionTraining
    • CPR/AED Certified

    With a passion for promoting health and wellness, I’ve transitioned my career to focus on personalized fitness for all ages. My background in gymnastics, cycling, and managing senior healthcare programs informs my approach. I prioritize safety, efficacy, and enjoyment, advocating for regular physical activity to preserve independence and vitality. Balancing mind, body, and spirit, I specialize in client-centric fitness regimens, aiming to empower individuals to lead active lives.

    in my free time I like to
    Cycling, hiking with my husband and mini-Aussie, Lotte, and spending quality time as a fun and active Gigi to my grandchildren.

    Complimentary Fit Evaluation
  • Ricky, Ricky, Professional Personal Trainer

    Years of Experience

    • 5 Years


    • American Council on Exercise- Certified Personal Trainer
    • American Council on Exercise - Functional Training Specialist
    • CPR/AED Certified

    Having experienced chronic knee pain and undergoing surgery on both knees, Ricky aims to serve as a bridge guiding others toward achieving holistic health from start to finish. Additionally, he is a fanatic for resistance-based training. He immersed myself in hypertrophy research to stay up-to-date on the latest trends that promote progression and longevity.

    in my free time I like to
    Learn songs to play on the ukulele, read, draw, hike, and listen to podcasts.

    Complimentary Fit Evaluation
  • Alissa, Professional Personal Trainer

    Years of Experience

    • 2 Years


    • American College of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer
    • American Red Cross - BLS Certified
    • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
    • Minor in Human Nutrition

    Alissa was a competitive dancer for 20 years and developed a deep understanding of bodily alignment, agility, mobility, control and awareness. She received her Bachelors of Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition from Sacred Heart University. As a trainer, she is driven by others' success, and she loves educating individuals about their bodies. She truly believes movement is medicine, so there is nothing else she loves sharing more.

    in my free time I like to
    Go on hikes, spend time with my 3 dogs and watch/play baseball

    Complimentary Fit Evaluation
  • Julie, Professional Personal Trainer

    Years of Experience

    • 20 Years


    • Trinity College, B.S. Psychology
    • AFFA Certified Personal Trainer

    Julie loves being active and helping people. Personal training is her calling! It doesn't feel like work when she has a personal connection to her clients.

    in my free time I like to
    Be with my family, travel, do yoga and engage in outdoor activities.

    Complimentary Fit Evaluation

here’s how it works


signature fit evaluation

A complimentary signature process where we learn about your goals, health history, and take you through a mini workout so we have the information we need to begin building your customized program.

full body assessment

A comprehensive fitness assessment to collect baseline metrics that will help us track your progress.

personal training session

Meet your trainer in your private suite (or virtually) for your 1:1 session to begin your completely customized workout program.

progress checks

A comprehensive assessment every 6 weeks so we can celebrate your progress and set new goals.


  • Friendly people who care about helping you achieve your goals. FT helped me prepare to hike the Appalachian Trail at age 65. If you have the will, FT will show you the way.

  • The high quality training and nutrition advice at Fitness Together has helped me reach my fitness goals. I’ve lost 20 pounds and have a BMI of 22.8!

  • I started working out after having breast cancer and heading to osteoporosis. My primary goal with FT was to increase bone density. I now have normal bone density.

  • I have been working out at FT for a couple of years and it has made a dramatic difference in my health. I no longer need hip surgery and I am able to dance and hike again.