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Learning to Run

Aug 15, 2021

Now that things are opening back up and we are safe to congregate in groups again, you may be considering running your first 5k! If this sounds like something you’d like to do, then stop reading this, find a run in your area, and sign up! (But come back after you do that to read these tips!)

  1. Honor your body. Your plan doesn’t have to look the same as someone else’s, and that’s okay! Start where you’re ready, and don’t push yourself too hard or too fast.
  2. Strength train! Having muscles, ligaments and tendons prepared for endurance exercise will significantly benefit you. Incorporate both lifting and running to get the biggest bang for your buck!
  3. You need right equipment! Good running shoes are a must. So is sweat wicking clothing, meaning pants/leggings/shorts, a shirt, and socks, and weather appropriate clothing (hat, sunglasses). Anything else (headphones, pack for your water/phone, training and tracking apps) is extra.
  4. When it comes to warm up, you actually don’t need to do much stretching. Start with a few minutes of walking or easy jogging, then get to it! If it’s early in the morning or you’re especially stiff, add in some dynamic stretches before you start.
  5. Start easy! If you’re a new runner, start with a 20 minute run, doing 1 minute of running, 1 minute of walking. (Adjust as needed!) Then progress to 2 minutes of running, 1 walking, etc until you’re running for 20 minutes or more!
  6. Enjoy your run. If you’re struggling, you’re running too fast and pushing too hard. Remember, “fast’ isn’t a speed, it’s an effort. An “easy” run should be easy, a 3-4 effort out of 10. That will be different speeds for everyone!
  7. Don’t forget to cool down. Walk a few minutes, and add in some foam rolling or static stretching to let your heart slow down and muscles cool down slowly. Icing sore muscles can also be a good idea.

Totally new to running? Here’s a Walk/Run plan to a 5k in one Month!

Week 1: Walk briskly for 5 minutes.

Jog for 1 minute, walk for 2 until you hit 20 minutes.

5 minute cool down

(Repeat 2x/week)

Week 2: Walk briskly for 5 minutes.

Jog for 2 minutes, walk for 2 until you hit 25 minutes.

5 minute cool down

(Repeat 2-3x/week)

Week 3: Walk briskly for 5 minutes

Jog for 2 minutes, walk for 1 until you hit 30 minutes.

5 minute cool down

(Repeat 3x/week)

Week 4: Walk briskly for 5 minutes

Jog for 3 minutes, walk for 1 until you hit 35 minutes.

5 minute cool down

(Repeat 3x/week)

At this point, try out a 5k! Remember, it’s only a race against yourself: you can walk or run as much as you want! As you continue training, slowly increase the amount of time you spend jogging, and slowly increase your total workout time. Don’t worry about your speed: that will come!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.

