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Struggling to find time to exercise

Apr 17, 2024

Are you a busy person who has a hard time prioritizing exercise? Making time to exercise can be difficult-especially in this age of non-stop, on-the-go lifestyles. Here are some tips that work for me and can help you to get back in the fitness groove.

Why exercise? I use my time exercising to pour into myself, so I can be better prepared to conquer each day. Looking forward to exercising should make us feel better, not worse!

If you’re fortunate to be healthy, think of working out as a privilege you’re lucky to have - instead of a chore to get done in the mix of a million other things.

Here are 5 tips to help you fit exercise into your busy schedule:

  1. There are 168 hours in a week. Give yourself 4-5 hours per week (3%) of “just for me time” to work out and clear your head.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep. Your productive day starts with the restful night before.
  3. First thing in the morning, write down all the important things you must get done that day. Including days to exercise will keep you focused and not get sidetracked.
  4. Plan your workouts before you go to exercise. Make sure to include any physical activity that you enjoy doing.
  5. Consider hiring a certified personal trainer who will guide, support and hold you accountable.

In Good Health,

Daryl Scales, CPT Fitness Together Norwell

Looking for more motivation to get going? Give Daryl a call (781) 659-0034 for your free fitness evaluation and personal training session.


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