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Are Your Core Exercises Actually Strengthening Your Core?

May 30, 2023

There are many different core exercises out there—some that are great for strengthening the core musculature and others, that could be doing more harm than good. I’m sure we have all heard of the common core exercises such as the “Russian Twist” or leg raises. While these traditional exercises may provide strengthening benefits for some, individuals with tight hips or poor core stability may be putting more stress on their lumbar spine.

According to an article by Brent Brookbush, he states that these exercises have the tendency to strengthen the hypertonic structures (muscles that are already shortened) and put stress on the passive structures (supporting structures of the lumbar spine). What these exercises have in common is that they are all primarily hip flexion. The legs are locked into place or are the prime mover. Someone that has a weak pelvic floor and or transverse abdominis muscles has difficultly stabilizing the core during these exercises which means another structure will have to take over.

So, what happens if you do a leg raise without properly stabilizing the core? The hip flexors will essentially act as stabilizers and become overactive and shortened. When the hip flexors stabilize more than the core, it is common the lumbar spine will go into anterior pelvic tilt. The lower back is essentially going into extension (arching of the back) and the abdominal region goes into distension (stretched out). Despite any activation in the core the amount of force that will be generated at the hip flexors often counters any benefit we could get from the abdominal muscles.

Should we just scrap the leg raises, Russian twists, sit-ups? Yes and no. If you are having a difficult time keeping your legs fully straight during the leg raise or start to feel your hips getting “tired” during a Russian twist, it may be a sign that we aren’t stabilizing in our core properly.

Try swapping them out for a plank, side plank, superman, glute bridge or chop. These are all great examples of core strengthening exercises that you won’t have to worry about the hip flexors or low back taking on all the work.


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