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September - Client of the Month Christian Abate-Wong

Sep 1, 2022

Who is he? He is…

A son, a software engineer, and a master of computer games! He is a very hardworking person who always strives for perfection! Christian will try anything you throw at him, and will work it until it's mastered!

Why is he? Because he…

He always makes it to every session, and gives 100% effort. Christian is very coachable and when he makes a goal he works at it until he accomplishes it! Christian started here at Fitness Together with a goal of learning to workout and to put on muscle! He has done that and then some, dropping in body fat %, and gaining a lot of muscle! Christian came in with wrist pain and could barely tolerate a high plank! Now he can hold a plank easily and can even do sets of 10 deficit push ups!

How did he? he…

Ever since joining Fitness Together Burlington Christian has been training one on one 2x a week, and one time a week at home on his own. He has been very consistent with this routine which is a huge reason for his success. Once Christian got into the routine of working out, he started focusing on his nutrition habits and has made many positive changes! Christian trusts the process and his coaches and never says no to an exercise, even if it’s something he hates like reverse lunges!

Fun facts about Christian!

Christian is an avid computer gamer! Some of his favorite games are Minecraft, League of Legends, and Monster Hunter! He is really into reading sci-fi fantasy books and even is in the process of writing his own book! Christian is a big fan of sushi and frequents Kura in Watertown whenever he can! His favorite exercises at the moment are banded pull ups (soon to be band free!!), and the hex bar deadlift!

Keep up the awesome work Christian!


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