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October Client of the Month Robin Vallerand

Oct 10, 2023

Meet Robin Vallerand, Fitness Together Burlington’s October Client of the Month! Robin has been coming to Fitness Together since 2014. She trains with us one on one 4-5 times a week and on her off days comes in for extra cardio sessions! Robin has been focused and dedicated to hitting her goals of getting stronger, leaner and healthier. Taking a full 180 on her old nutrition routine, Robin added in more protein, more calories and more fiber and started seeing results! She is down 10+ pounds of BODY FAT, lost almost 3 dress sizes all while putting on a significant amount of muscle making her leaner and stronger than ever. Robin keeps fighting for her results, setting new goals and man does it show! Her favorite exercise is the lat pulldown, because she loves the way it makes her arms and back feel!

When Robin isn’t in the studio, she enjoys spending time with her family ( her 5 children, four boys and one daughter) getting her nails done and doing fun arts and crafts! Robin owns a local pest control business with her husband, attends classes in the evening to continue her education and will be graduating from Merrimack College with her Master’s degree this year. Robin loves going to True North, and you’ll often see her double fisting with a coffee and a protein shake. Robin is extremely giving, and is always fueling the coach's caffeine addiction with True North, which we are very grateful for. We love having Robin as part of our little fitness family here at FT. Keep up the great work Robin… you earned it!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.