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November - Client of the Month Ruth Neeman

Nov 1, 2022

Who is she? She is…

An architect, a yogi, a dancer, and speaks multiple languages! Ruth is always positive during her sessions, and is consistent and never misses a session! She is dedicated to her health and wellness and it shows!

Why is she? Because she…

Ruth shows up to every session on time and ready to work. She is always in the best mood in her session despite having a long day of work ahead of her. She always does her best and is up to try new exercises. Ruth quickly adapted to virtual training when the world shut down in March 2020. She made sure she got the equipment she needed to always get in a good workout! She enjoyed virtual training so much she has stuck with it ever since!

How did she? She…

Ever since joining Fitness Together Burlington in 2017 Ruth has been training with us 2x a week! She is always extremely consistent. Not only in her workout with us, but also maintaining her routine of walking daily, and taking yoga 1x a week. Ruth also maintains healthy habits with her nutrition as well. She always has a good breakfast to start her day which consists of yogurt, granola, and a different variety of fruit depending on the season! Ruth is proof that having a routine works and she has gotten so much stronger with us since she has started!

Fun facts about Ruth!

Ruth is such an interesting person to talk to. Ruth grew up in Israel and was recently featured as a spotlight at her high school reunion back home. When Ruth visits her family in Israel, she still manages to train with us….she has been our farthest zoom session trained so far! Along with speaking Hebrew, Ruth has also been studying and taking Italian for many years. Ruth loves going for her daily walks while listening to a good podcast. Other fun facts include taking ballet lessons in Burlington prior to Covid and creating different backgrounds for theater productions. She also enjoys a good margarita from time to time!

Keep up the awesome work Ruth!


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