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May- Client of the Month Sarah Burk

May 3, 2022

Who is she? she is…

A dog mom to three fur babies named Matilda Hermione, Scarlet O’Hara and Magnolia Shelby, a mom and wife, an English highschool teacher for junior and seniors, a fitness enthusiast, a reader, a workout fashionista (especially with workout leggings!), and is one of the nicest/sweetest people you will meet!

Why is she? Because she…

has worked incredibly hard since starting with us in December of 2021. She has trained consistently with us 2x, has never missed a session, drives 40 minutes to and from FT and ALWAYS shows up 20 minutes before her session to complete her 15 minute cardio warmup. Sarah is a huge inspiration. She has beaten breast cancer and has had 3 hip surgeries with her last surgery in the summer of 2021! She has gained incredible strength within her workouts and is willing to try anything with a smile on her face! Since December, Sarah has lost 13lbs, has gained muscle, and has lost 8% BF (WOW!). In her measurements, Sarah has lost a total of 20 inches!! She is a rockstar!

How did she? she…

Stayed super active and consistent through strength training with FT 2x/week, Barre 4x/week and kickboxing 1x/week, and the occasional peloton ride at home for extra movement. Sarah has been super diligent with her routine in our studio and on her own..and it shows in her results! She has worked super hard through not only

her training, but also with her nutrition and habit changes. She has found a menu of healthy recipes that she enjoys and now incorporates throughout her daily life..while enjoying other yummy foods too (especially when she is traveling!) Within the last 5 months, Sarah has worked really hard and we are SO proud of her!!!

Fun facts about Sarah!

Sarah has a popular Instagram account for her 3 doggies (@matildascarlettmagnoliadaisy) with over 12k followers, was just in South Africa & Dubai for a vacation with her husband, has some pretty awesome tattoos, loves reading (her favorite books are Jane Eyre & Hamlet), and is always rocking a smile on her face :)

Way to go Sarah!!!


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