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March 2024 Client of the Month Kent Gale!

Mar 1, 2024

Introducing Kent Gale, Fitness Together Burlington’s March Client of the Month! Kent has achieved remarkable progress since joining us in July 2023. Seeking to establish a consistent fitness regimen, enhance his strength, and lower his blood pressure, Kent has diligently trained three times a week, one-on-one with a trainer.

He has not only followed his coach’s guidance but has also integrated much of his fitness routine into his daily life beyond the studio. Kent prioritizes daily mobility exercises, leading to a noticeable reduction in his back pain!

Since starting with us last summer, Kent has lost 8 lbs, and 2.4% body fat, which is over 6 lbs of fat mass loss and 2 points of visceral fat! Kent has also gained muscle while losing weight, gaining 3 inches in his hips and glutes, and 1 inch in his legs (yay for gains!).

Aside from physically seeing changes, Kent has been able to reduce his cholesterol and blood pressure thanks to his dedication to a healthier lifestyle inside and outside the studio! Kent consistently gives his all during workouts and has maintained his routine with remarkable dedication, even training virtually during the holiday season while visiting family in Detroit.

Fun Facts…..

Over the past year, Kent embarked on a thrilling journey by launching his own consulting firm! He loves to spend time in his garden during the warmer months, and enjoys growing vegetables and herbs! He also enjoys a good glass of red wine with his dinner, and likes to indulge from time to time in homemade baked goods! Kent is from Canada and often travels to visit family, as well as to Detroit to spend time with his daughter!

Everyone here at Fitness Together is so proud of Kent and all his hard work!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.