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June's 2023 Client of the Month Adi Hod

Jun 1, 2023

Meet Adi Hod, Fitness Together Burlington’s June Client of the Month! Adi has been coming to Fitness Together since February 2023, and has had some great results! Adi joined FT with a goal of getting back into shape and into the routine of regular exercise! He

Adi trains in small groups 2x a week, and is super consistent with making all his sessions! He also comes early for his workouts and warms up on the elliptical, and pushes the weights on all his lifts! In his last assessment Adi gained 5.3lbs of muscle, and lost 1.9 lbs of body fat! Adi’s favorite exercise is squats, in particular the goblet squat! With the guidance of the personal training team Adi is always up to push himself and go for the heavier weight or extra rep. He impresses the trainers as well as the other clients in the group! Along with being a hard worker, Adi always brings a great energy to class with him, and has all the clients and coaches laughing!

When Adi is not working out he enjoys being outdoors! His favorite outdoor activity is to go hiking on different trails! Adi also loves to spend time with his wife Rachel and their cat Hannah! Adi and his wife are expecting a baby girl in June, and he looks forward to his new role of being a dad! Keep up the great work Adi, we are proud of you!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.