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June - Client Of The Month Karen Oakes

Jun 10, 2022

Client of the Month – June 2022

Karen Oakes

Who is she? she is…

One of the nicest people you will ever meet, a wife and mom, and a small grouper who KICKS BUTT

Why is she? Because she…

Shows up each week with a positive attitude and a strong mindset. Since she started, she easily fits into our small groups since she loves to work hard and makes great small talk! Karen’s initial goal was to lose weight, gain strength, and increase her balance..and she did that! Since February, Karen has lost 12lbs, increased her skeletal muscle mass, decreased her body fat by 5%, and has lost an overall of 20 inches throughout her entire body! She also has increased her balance significantly since now she is able to do weight split squats and reverse lunges…which was really hard in the beginning!

How did she? she…

Ever since joining in February of 2022, Karen has been consistently strength training in our early morning small groups 3x/week. During class, Karen works super hard and always is willing to try new exercises or increasing her weights when she feels like she can. Outside of the studio, she has been staying on top of her nutrition which really has helped her progress along with exercising. We are SO proud of Karen and what she has accomplished in just 5 months!!! She’s an inspiration!

Fun facts about Karen!

Karen loves to travel (specifically to Canada and Europe…but will travel anywhere), wants to go to the Amazon one day, has two cats named Kaylie & Smokey who she enjoys playing with, and scrapbooks with her friends for fun!

You are amazing Karen!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.