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July Client of the Month- Michelle Stacqualursi

Jul 1, 2023

Meet Michelle Stacqualursi, Fitness Together Burlington’s July Client of the Month! Michelle has been coming to Fitness Together since August 2022! Michelle has been consistently training one on one 2x a week, and with the guidance of our team she has gotten incredibly strong! Michelle joined Fitness Together with a goal of getting stronger and feeling more toned! Since starting, Michelle has lost body fat %, and her muscle mass has gone up almost 3%!. Not only has she seen physical changes, but the trainers have noticed a change in her confidence, and she never shies away from trying a new exercise or a heavier weight! Michelle’s favorite exercise is the deadlift because it makes her “feel like a badass”!

When Michelle is not working out at Fitness Together, she enjoys going out with her friends for dinner or drinks, or concerts! Michelle is a bit a foodie, and even has an instagram dedicated to all the delicious foods she tries and spots she frequents! You can follow her at @allyoucan.eat1 ! The trainers always look forward to hearing all about her weekends during her sessions as she is always on the go and doing lots of fun things! Michelle also enjoys traveling, and recently went to Puerto Rico, and New Orleans which she really enjoyed! All of us at FT love having Michelle as part of the family, and look forward to continuing to help her reach her goals!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.