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July - Client Of The Month Arielle Pagano

Jul 19, 2022

Who is she? she is…

One of the hardest workers who is always up for a challenge! Not to mention the best dog mom to her dog Nala!

Why is she? Because she…

Shows up to each session, and gives 110% even if she has had a super long day at work. Arielle’s goal initially was to learn how to weight train and to gain overall strength and muscle. As she started to progress she started to set more specific goals such as repping out pushups from the floor and learning barbell lifts such as deadlifts and squats! Arielle can now easily crush a set of 12 pushups and can lift some solid weight! Not only is she strong, but she even pushed herself to run a couple 5ks since starting!

How did she? She

Ever since joining Fitness Together Burlington, Arielle has been consistently strength training one on one at least 3x a week and sometimes 4 when she can! Arielle always gets here early for her cardio warmup, and will even stay after if she doesn't finish beforehand. Arielle has an amazing drive, and she never gives up once she sets her mind on something. Arielle makes the most of all her sessions, but you can also count on her to keep moving outside her workouts whether it’s walking her dog in the Fells, or riding her peloton! It has been so awesome to see her increase her strength and weight on her lifts over time, and we couldn’t be prouder!

Fun facts about Arielle!

Arielle is originally from Long Island, and often goes home to visit her family! Newport Rhode Island is another favorite place she loves to visit and frequents it whenever she can in the summer! Arielle is a dog mom to the cutest English Cream Golden Retriever named Nala! They love to go for walks and then to starbucks for a pupachino!

Keep on being amazing Arielle!


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