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January 2024 Client of the Month Doreen Dawson

Jan 3, 2024

Congratulations to Doreen Dawson Fitness Together Burlington's January as our Client of the Month! Doreen has showcased incredible dedication to her fitness journey since joining us in 2021. She has been extremely committed to building strength, improving flexibility, and adopting an overall healthier lifestyle, and it has shown in her results! Doreen's hard work is evident in her progress. She has successfully lost a total of 18 pounds and 31 TOTAL inches!! Wow! This achievement speaks volumes about her consistency and dedication to her fitness goals.

Doreen is the queen of consistency. She trains here at Fitness Together under the guidance of a trainer 2x/week. She is diligent about coming in at least fifteen minutes early to ride the bike as she knows it is important to get her legs moving to help improve her knee pain. Doreen has embraced a well-rounded approach to fitness by incorporating workouts and walks at home when she doesn’t have sessions scheduled. Doreen has also made significant changes to her eating habits. She has formed many new habits such as meal prepping on Sundays and focusing on a nutrition plan that includes high proteins, quality carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Her approach to wellness has not only supported her fitness goals but has also enhanced her overall well-being.

Fun Facts..

Doreen’s favorite exercise is the lat-pull down or the dumbbell lat pullover because she loves working her back muscles! Doreen loves a good cocktail and enjoys a meal out with family and friends. One of her favorite local spots is the Archer Hotel Bar in Burlington. Doreen has two adult sons who she loves to travel and spend time with. She recently visited her son who is stationed in Hawaii, and they had a great time exploring the outdoors and enjoying the tropical weather!

Congratulations, Doreen, on being named our Client of the Month! Your achievements and commitment are truly commendable, and we're proud to have you as a member of the Fitness Together community. Keep up the fantastic work, and we look forward to witnessing your continued success on your fitness journey!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.