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February 2024 Client of the Month Ed Smith

Feb 1, 2024

Meet Ed Smith, Fitness Together Burlington’s February Client of the Month! Ed joined us in August of 2023 looking to change his body composition, and learn how to strength train. In just 6 months, Ed has completely transformed his life. Not only has he achieved his initial goals…but he has done SO much more! Since joining us, Ed has lost a total of 24.2 lbs. He lost 21lbs of Body Fat Mass and gained 3lbs of Lean Body Mass. He also lost over 20 inches throughout his body (5 inches being on his waist!), 5.2% Body Fat and 5 levels of visceral fat. These are some amazing numbers!! Ed is a testament to what hard work and consistency can do. He is always pushing himself, and never gives up when an exercise gets challenging! Ed has also shown a significant improvement in his exercise routine by increasing his core strength, increasing his stability and always progressing in his strength.

Fun Facts ...

Ed’s favorite exercise is the split squat because, even though it is challenging, he can see the progress he is making with it week to week!

Ed’s gym walk in music would be the Benny Hill theme song.

He is a super dad to two kids, a 2 ½ year old named Noah, and a 6 ½ year old daughter named Aria. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with the kids and taking them to their activities.

He also has a dog named Meli who is the cutest Cockapoo.

His favorite local restaurant is The Bancroft where he and his wife will enjoy an occasional date night. His favorite food is OutBack’s cheese fries.

All of the trainers are extremely proud of Ed and his efforts! Keep up the good work!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.