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Client of the Month – January 2022

Mar 6, 2022

Marketa Matejcik

Who is She? She is...

Born in the Czech Republic ,HOW COOL! Loves to cook healthy meals for her and her family. Enjoy's hiking and being outdoors. Loves dogs and has a beautiful dog named Sadie, who keeps her busy walking all year round! Marketa is a mom of 2 lovely ladies, a step mom and soon to be grandmother!

Why is She? Because She…

Marketa committed to herself and trained 2x per week for the last 7 months. Making time for her walks outside of the studio and hiking with her family was a big priority. She has tremendously improved her confidence in the studio when trying new exercises, focused more on cooking healthy meals at home and built strength in the upper body, core and legs. Her original goal was to start a consistent exercise program to help keep her accountable and she has crushed that original goal! Since June, Marketa has lost -5lbs of body fat, increased her skeletal muscle mass, decreased her percent body fat by 4%, decreased her BMI, and has lost more than a handful of inches throughout her entire body! It's more than the weight loss - she FEELS AMAZING!

How did She? She…

Marketa joined in June 2021 and trains with her daughter 1x/wk and 1x by herself. Ever since joining, she has been consistent with 2x per week. Outside of the studio, she focused more on her daily habits and became more conscious with her nutrition.

Fun facts about Marketa…

Marketa has dual citizenship, she loves relaxing at her house in the mountains of New Hampshire, loves hiking so much that on her Bucket List was to hike the mountains in Utah... Well, she finally was able to go with her husband this past year for her 50th birthday - and felt amazing while doing it. Marketa always brings a positive energy to her workouts which makes the sessions fly by! If you see Marketa in the studio - say hello - she is a blast to talk to!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.