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August- Client Of The Month Lauren Landry

Aug 4, 2022

Who is she? she is…

One of the most disciplined people you will meet who is extremely dedicated to her health and fitness goals. She is a wife, a dog mom, a doggie foster mom and an expert on all things travel!

Why is she? Because she…

She consistently trains 3x/week despite her busy work schedule, juggling fostering puppies and constant traveling! Lauren shows up to the studio, ready to work, and always gives it 110% for all her sessions. Lauren started here at Fitness Together with a goal of getting in better shape before her sister's wedding. She has done that and then some, dropping a significant amount of body fat %, and gaining muscle along the way! In addition to her physique goals..she has also overcome a knee injury and has even run a 5k!! Amazing!

How did she? She…

Ever since joining FTB, Lauren has been consistently training 3x/ or 5x/week. Lauren is extremely disciplined and never misses a session. Despite many travels, she always makes sure to get all her sessions rescheduled along with a plan for while she is away! Not only is she dedicated to consistently getting in her workouts, but she also has been working on her nutrition habits as well to assure she looks and feels her best! Lauren is always up to try something new and open to advice which makes her a joy to coach. Lauren also keeps plenty active by boxing on her off days, and walking her dog Madchen along with the many foster dogs she and her husband often take in!

Fun facts about Lauren!

Lauren is our go-to girl for travel! She has lived in Berlin and Munich for work and also loves to go on a good cruise (she’s been on 25!). Lauren was once a wedding planner, so she is an expert in all things party planning! Lauren fosters dogs through Great Dog Rescue New England out of Woburn, MA. She is extremely kind-hearted and always goes the extra mile when fostering dogs, making sure they feel extra loved while in her care!

Keep up the great work Lauren!


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