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April 2023 Client of the Month Kathie Marchant

Apr 1, 2023

Kathie Marchant is April's Fitness Together Client of the Month. She has been consistently working out with our team of personal trainers 3x a week, and has shown impressive progress. Not only has Kathie improved her strength and coordination, but she has also lost several inches overall, reduced her body fat by more than 2% and gained muscle (muscle is important as it supports all those joints that sometimes get achy).

Planks and stability ball deadbugs are among her favorite exercises because she enjoys feeling her core working. When not exercising, Kathie enjoys shopping and spending time with her four grandchildren. She also likes getting her nails done and going on vacation with her husband, with Aruba, Bermuda, and St. Johns being her favorite destinations. Kathie is a dog lover, so if you happen to bring your furry friend to the studio, be sure to say hi to her. The FT family is thrilled to have Kathie as part of the team and applauds her dedication to her health & wellness.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.