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January 2022 Client of the Month

Jan 7, 2022

What was your reason for starting at Fitness Together?

I started at FT to get in shape for surgery, to make recovery easier.

What has Fitness Together helped you with most?

Fitness Together has kept me encouraged and accountable. The staff's endless energy and optimism is as wonderful as their amazing expertise in what they do.

How do you think you have most improved since working with Fitness Together?

I've improved my strength since working here. I can lift much more now than when I started.

What do you like the most about the staff or atmosphere?

The staff are simply wonderful. They go out of their way to accommodate any issue or constraint. No matter what condition a client is in, FT will always find a safe and healthy way to train.

Do you have any funny or inspiring tales of Fitness Together antics?

The other people I've met in the Packs have all been great and really fun.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.