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Get fit at Home: Tips from Trainers for Home Fitness

Jan 14, 2025

What do you do outside of the gym to stay active?

Sam: When I'm at home, I go for short walks and do short mobility sessions, so I'm not inactive for long stretches at a time.

Joe: Outside of the gym, I have created a foundation of healthy hobbies that I enjoy doing, while the "being active" aspect of the hobby is simply an added bonus.

What tips do you have for someone to increase their activity levels throughout the week?

Sam: Don't feel like you have to limit your activity to just your planned workouts! For example, when I worked in an office job, I got up about once an hour to walk up and down the stairs. and when I was in grad school I would do some pushups or squats in my office in between classes. Doing these things didn't involve a ton of sweating or get me super tired, but they helped me feel a lot more focused and refreshed throughout the day.

Joe: I think the biggest piece of advice I have for anyone is to find something you enjoy, whether it be dancing, swimming, biking, etc. Grew up playing little league baseball and haven't played in 20 years? Join a recreational league! The key is always making exercise fun.

What could someone do if they do not have weight?

Sam: There are many bodyweight exercises you can do at home without weights that will give you a great workout. Choose 3-6 exercises, do each for 30s to 1min back to back, and keep increasing the time each week.

Joe: Almost every exercise that can be done with weights can also be done without them. I am a huge advocate for stretching and mobility exercises, which can absolutely be done without any equipment. Motion is lotion!

What tips do you have for someone looking to stay consistent/motivated with at home workouts?

Sam: Find a specific spot in your house to use only for home workouts and make it your own. When I was in college, this spot for me was just a little corner of my room where my mat and dumbbells were, but it was perfect because every time I went there I knew it was time to lift!

Joe: The biggest advice I have for staying consistent with home workouts is finding a reasonable but consistent routine that is REPEATABLE. My recommendation is to choose the most convenient time you can commit to, even if it's just 30 minutes. Don't let that inner voice hold you back; find the courage to overcome it. Listen to your favorite music and make exercising fun, not something that you dread doing.

What advice do you have for setting up a home workout space?

Sam: Make it inspiring and easy to use, and make sure there's as little setup involved as possible.

Joe: Start with a yoga mat and a foam roller. Spend time on the floor PREhab-ing your body before it's too late. Don't neglect stretching!

If you went in a time machine to your younger self who was just beginning their Fitness Journey, what advice would you give yourself?

Sam: Try new things and don't get stuck on doing just one type of training.

Joe: Start earlier! I fell in love with the gym the first time I walked into my local YMCA when I was 15 and haven't looked back since.Don't be afraid to seek guidance or advice from people. The hardest step is the first one.


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