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Client of the Month September 2021

Sep 10, 2021

What was your reason for starting at Fitness Together?

I wanted to keep a healthy body so I could keep up with my son. I realized that as someone who sat a desk for work, my upper body was weak, and the kinds of exercise I loved (walking, cycling, hiking, etc.) weren’t really building it up.

What has Fitness Together helped you with most?

Really learning good form for each exercise while still pushing myself to improve. Knowing I can push myself and that I have someone watching and helping me avoid hurting myself allows me to go harder than I would on my own.

How do you think you have most improved since starting with Fitness Together?

I’ve improved in almost every dimension. Core strength and flexibility may be the most dramatic, but I’m really now seeing improvement in more visible strength dimensions. More interesting is even sitting in my desk chair for long hours is way less stressful on my body because I have a strong core which supports better posture.

How has Fitness Together helped you with your nutrition?

I had pretty good nutrition, but getting coaching on when to eat has been helpful.

What do you like the most about the staff or atmosphere?

I enjoy all of the trainers and while I have my favorites I enjoy all the different styles that each bring to the job. The fact that it's an environment where I don’t have to be self conscious or distracted by others is a big plus.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.