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Why InBody and what is it showing you?

Jul 25, 2023

It’s that time again. InBody assessments. Before you get all bent out of shape (no pun intended) let’s make it so that you can really become aware of how the InBody is actually helping you rather than hurting you.

First let me illustrate what the InBody is not.

The InBody is not something we use to grade you.

The InBody is not something that determines whether you’re good or bad.

The InBody is not used to shame you.

The InBody is not a torture device.

The InBody is actually a tool to help make you aware of what you are doing. Data doesn’t lie. It measures. It also helps us trainers to see imbalances and if you are getting stronger.

I mentioned “insanity” in my last article and I have to keep mentioning it until some of you begin to wake up to your own unawareness. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Reinforcement is key.

Let’s say you get on the InBody and there is little to no change this time which is bound to happen for some of you. Instead of feeling down, instead of getting mad at the machine, I invite you to take a deeper look.

Let’s say the last time you did the InBody was 2-3 months ago.

But in the last two to three months you did the same exact thing you did before.

Maybe you showed up two-three times a week but haven’t done anything outside of that.

Then standing on the inbody isn’t going to change. Because change requires more than doing the same exact thing and expecting different results.

In the beginning, when you were new, two to three times a week may have yielded some change. But then to expect that bare minimum to yield change again and again is actually insanity.

The degree to which a person can transform is in direct proportion to the amount of truth they can assess about what they are or are not doing that’s honestly not serving them. It’s making what you are unaware of come to the surface and choosing differently. An example of this in my own life is not seeing how much money I used to waste on buying coffee out every day until I consciously went a month without doing it and saw how much more margin was in my bank account. Little things you do or don’t do add up to big things.

So, what is required?

First and foremost, you have to increase what’s happening in your sessions here. You have to go up in weight on exercises. You have to go up on reps. You have to improve your endurance and take less breaks to get more rounds in your 45-minute session. Maybe you bump from one time a week to two. Or two to three. Maybe you ask for a take home program that you can implement on an extra day in a home gym.

If you’ve been coming for a while and you got three rounds in when you started and you’re only still at three rounds now without adding more exercises, change will be a challenge. When your trainer tries to take you into 4 and 5 rounds it’s because they are looking out for your transformation and want to lead you out of complacency.

Just because “we always did three rounds” doesn’t mean you’re going to stay there. Did Michael Jordan stop at 15 minutes of practice? No. He constantly refined what he did.

Did you show up for EVERY appointment in the last two to three months? Honestly? On top of needing to push harder in each session, how was your attendance? I see clients who get distraught over their inbody results who cancel sessions without rescheduling them or getting in makeup workouts. You must keep consistent. Missing sessions doesn’t transform you. If you have to miss then please reschedule the same week to stay on track.

I know a lot of you like to chit chat. A lot of you like to vent about your lives. Chit chatting is fine if you are hitting what we have planned for you in your program. Many times I’ve noticed that when venting about work and personal life, clients don’t get through the whole plan I’ve mapped out for them. (And this isn’t because the session isn’t long enough. It’s because they are stopping, standing and talking instead of jumping into the next exercise) YOU ARE WASTING VALUABLE TIME WHEN YOU DO THIS. This kills your transformation.) So, you have to decide what you’re wanting from a session. If it’s because you truly need to vent then you have to be honest that that’s what you are utilizing it for and that you won’t improve much physically. But if you want greater physical changes, you either have to chit chat less or chit chat while you are completing the exercises. Many clients are actually able to do this. You have to talk and work at the same time.

Cardio. Cardio. Cardio. I can’t stress this enough. So, 2-3 months have gone by since your last InBody, and you’ve added little to no cardio. And you’re expecting different results standing on the InBody. Insanity. Not going to happen my friend. The American heart association says 150 minutes (that’s 5 days a week 30 minutes a day) to MAINTAIN cardiovascular health. That’s to MAINTAIN not even lose weight. You have to do more to see numbers change. Most aren’t hitting enough required cardio to even maintain. Diego is doing an incredible job making 15 minutes of cardio after your session with him non-negotiable. He’s doing this to get you to form a habit so you can bump it up to even more later. If you really want to see change, I suggest doing this before/after those sessions until it’s habitual and you can bump it up even more.

Nutrition. Nutrition. Nutrition. 80-90% of results. Have you made any changes since the last InBody? If not, again this is a form of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Thinking about meal prepping is different from actually doing it. Don’t want to meal prep? Add shakes. I drink 2-3 shakes a day and have for about ten years. Use a meal prep service. I’m busy too. I work 40 hours a week and typically spend another 30 hours painting. My commute is 45 minutes each way. If I can do it, you can too.

I hear “I’m doing everything right” a lot from clients and if they were really honest with themselves (honestly aware) they’d see they are actually falling way short. And so getting on the InBody will continue to be frustrating if you aren’t willing to become SERIOUSLY aware of what you are or are not doing.

To see change you have to constantly challenge yourself and strengthen your mind in the process.

I’m doing it myself. On my commutes I listen to personal development on my drive. I have been lifting 4 days a week consistently since January. I think I’ve had two weeks that it was only 3 days a week but other than that I’ve been consistent. Since my last InBody I’ve cleaned up things in my diet, and added more protein. My second InBody from my first didn’t show much besides getting stronger. And I’m okay with that because this is a marathon not a sprint. It’s not a reflection of my worth. My job is refinement.

Now I’m going after cardio. I had my own talk with myself the other day. If I want x, then y needs to happen. PERIOD. Or I know results will not be created.

Imagine being in the kitchen and cooking a recipe. The first or second time you make it, it’s okay, but it’s not quite there. You start refining it. You add a little more of one ingredient and a little less of another. Overtime you knock the recipe out of the park. That’s exactly what you’re doing here. You may not see numbers change much for 6-9 months. And that’s okay. What’s changing are habits. Habits have to change first before numbers change.

You may be thinking this is too much. This is hard. This is why personal development is crucial. You’re going up against your own bs and limiting beliefs. You’re going up against your ego, your stories, your victim, your saboteur. Unless you REALLY take a hard look at what you are doing and are not doing to make changes (little ones at a time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint) you’re going to keep living in insanity.

The InBody will set you free once you see it objectively as data that points to your habits.

Time to get honest with yourself. In a tough love way, not a shaming way.

This is your health. It’s your future. It’s walking up the stairs without getting out of breath. It’s feeling comfortable in your clothes. It’s being able to get up and down off the floor without pain. It’s saving yourself from having to go to PT, it’s saving you from pharmaceutical drugs. It’s saving you from having to go into home health care when you get old for more years. What you do now is an investment into your future.

You’re going to start seeing mindset quotes on the walls that I’ve mapped out. You have to change the way you are thinking, showing up, and executing your habits. Reinforcement is key. Doing something different is key. Having impeccable awareness is key. Pay attention to the quotes and before every session decide what you’re going to commit to for 45 minutes. Use this inbody for how you can become more aware of what you really CAN implement for the next one. It’s just information that helps you stay on track and feel good and healthier every single day. Pick one new thing you haven’t been doing (one thing to add for this next two-three months) commit to make it a habit. Then next time add another. You’re on a journey of refinement until you have made all the healthy habits habitual.

“The future of health is doing enough of EVERYTHING and sustaining forever.” -Dr. John Rusin


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