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We All Hate It... Stubborn Belly Fat

Jul 24, 2024

Belly fat is the hardest fat to lose in the body even if you are doing everything right! It is also important to remember that you don’t get to pick where you lose fat from. But, there are ways for you to see greater results if you are doing ALL the right things.

There are 2 different types of fat - subcutaneous and visceral.

Subcutaneous fat is the fat that you can “see”. You can pinch your skin and the “extra” skin you are seeing and feeling is subcutaneous fat. This fat lives right beneath your skin.

Visceral fat is what we all know as “stubborn belly fat”. Visceral fat lives underneath your abdominal wall. The main reason we have visceral fat is to protect our internal organs. Too much visceral fat can cause you to have stubborn belly fat, but more importantly, it puts people at higher risk for health issues.

Ditch all of those supplements that claim they “burn belly fat” because they are lying to you! You need to eat properly and exercise properly on a regular consistent basis. Visceral fat requires you to put in the extra work if you want to lose it!

Are you exercising at least 3 times a week? Are you getting it 8,000–10,000 steps per day? Are you training at the proper intensity for your goals? Are you exercising outside your scheduled sessions? If you answer no to any of those questions, we need to help you get back on track so that your goals are achievable.

Doing all the right exercises, but not eating the proper things or getting the right amount of nutrients can negatively impact your progress. First, realizing that you don’t need to “diet” to lose weight is a huge obstacle. Everyone is different, and what you need to properly fuel your body and achieve your goals, can be completely different from the person next to you.

Are you getting the quality sleep your body needs every night? Not only do you need 7–8 hours of sleep every night, but the quality of those hours is just as important. Many don’t realize it, but the quality of your sleep plays a major role in how your health goals are impacted.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.