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Va-cay-sion - 5 tips to not lose your fitness

Jul 12, 2024

Is there anyone not on vacation in the summer months? - Almost all of our clients go away for a week or two during the year. We want to make sure that when you travel, take breaks and get away that you come back as fit and healthy as when you left.

Being on vacation does not mean stepping back on the great health and fitness routine that you work hard to maintain the rest of the year. Your time away can be an opportunity to mix fitness up by combining rest and recovery with some new activity to refresh and revive your fitness.

First line of defense is in your hotel, Airbnb, rental etc. Find the workout center or look for small gyms and a day pass option. Remember, all you likely need is a piece of cardio equipment and a set of dumbbells - the basics. Or a stretch of sidewalk and some body weight movements! Tackle this step when you arrive or even in your trip planning. Just check out a place to get some exercise, plan what you can do - 20 minutes of easy cardio is still a workout and movement will always make you feel better. (Need help with EXACTLY what to do - reach out to your coaches at Fitness Together)

As we all know - nutrition is key, and vacation is going to hold lots of temptation. You do not have to deny those indulgences. Great food should be part of any trip. Offset some of the “extras” with solid, foundational healthy choices too. Take advantage of local fruit and vegetable stands, and go to the grocery to choose fresh, non-processed options. Stock up on healthy snacks - things like high quality yogurt, nuts, fruit, nut butters and anything lower on the carb side. Carbs are not the enemy, but they are too dominant and simply over-consumed.

Next, find a couple of activities that may challenge your heart rate and even help you rediscover your inner athlete. Play a sport on the beach, walk places, take the stairs - just use your body.

Some options start with just being outside. Take or find a walking tour to see the sites. Pursue sports you like, golf, tennis, swimming or ride a bike. We have clients that play frisbee, break out the old lax stick for some catch, and start paddle boarding - not that hard and fantastic core workout! Hard to miss how much pickleball is going on - expand your horizons and realize that it’s okay to be in the learning phase. There are simply few things better than learning a new skill. You can take it easy, learn a bit and find new ways to stay fit.

If you do find yourself off track, missing a few days of activity or overindulging in food, here are some simple steps to get back at it. Drink water, walk more, go easy with the guilt as it may take time to recover and get back on track. Protect your sleep with a good nightly wind down, and some reading and stop eating or drinking at least 2, ideally 3 hours before bed. Keep the room as cool and as dark as possible.

Remember, your coaches at Fitness Together are here to help. So please, reach out - need a short, easy body weight or dumbbell workout - we got you. Want some nutrition tips? We can cover that. Feeling off track? Let's get a few quick steps to get right back on track. We are a text, call, email or even a virtual training session away. Make this your fittest summer ever!


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