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Client of the Month - Sean C

Jul 30, 2021

Congratulations to Sean C. for being our next client of the month! Sean has been a client with Fitness Together since November 2016. His hard work, determination, consistency, and confidence have all shown over the past 4+ years. Check out his story below:

Q: How long have you been with Fitness Together, and how often are you working out both inside and outside of the studio?

I started with Fitness Together back in November 2016. Nowadays, I'm in FT 3 times a week, while trying to take a brisk walk every day I'm not in studio.

Q: What are the results you've seen so far?

I've been amazed at my progress this year, especially on deadlifts. Beginning of 2021, I was struggling to do one rep of 190 lbs. Just yesterday (not six months later) I was doing multiple sets of 220 lbs! I'm feeling a lot stronger in my upper body as well, and my husband has noticed my physical changes over the past five years thanks to FT. The biggest change since I started, though? Confidence, both in and out of the gym, and I also thank my time at FT for that.

Q: What can you attribute mostly to your success so far? What hurdles did you have to get over in order to succeed?

I have a set routine for every day I go in to FT; hard-boiled egg and banana for breakfast, PB&J on toast two hours before my workout, and a protein shake (with a little strawberry syrup for taste) after my workout. This routine helps me stay focused and working hard throughout my workouts, and hard work leads to results. The biggest hurdle to success is that little voice inside your head that says "I won't be able to do this;" when you believe that voice, you sometimes don't even try. I sometimes find myself hyping myself up before a set as a way to silence that voice because I can't let that voice define me, and when the set is done 9 times out of 10 I had nothing to worry about. My trainers are great at challenging me without giving me more than I can handle.

Q: What are some of your goals with FT moving forward?

Going forward I want to continue my progress on deadlifts and bench presses. I also have a goal weight I'm trying to reach, which is only about 5 pounds less than my current weight. With focus I might reach it by the end of the summer!

Q: Anything else you would like to share with others looking to hit their goals?

If you ever have a workout where you feel like you can't give 100%, try to figure out why, and what you can do to change that. You can never underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep before a workout. (Oh, and be careful if you're slicing something in the kitchen! I missed two weeks of workouts recently after slicing my thumb, I couldn't wait to get back in!)


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.