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Client of the Month - Krissy B.

May 30, 2022

Congratulations to Krissy B. being our next client of the month! Krissy has been a client at Fitness Together since September 2021, and has reached so many goals over her time as a client. Check out her story below:

Q: How long have you been with Fitness Together, and how often are you working out both inside and outside of the studio?

I started working out at Fitness Together in September 2021. I work out twice a week here and don't work out outside the studio.

Q: What are some of the results you've seen so far?

I have seen amazing results so far. I have lost about 30lbs since joining the Fitness Together family! I no longer have back and hip problems and am the strongest I've been in my adult life!

Q: What can you attribute mostly to your success so far? What hurdles did you have to get over in order to succeed?

I am not a fan of working out but with the encouragement of the trainers at Fitness Together they keep me motivated. They have truly been the key to my fitness goals. As a person who paid for gym memberships in the past and never used it I have to say this is the most dedicated I've ever been to my fitness journey!

Q: What are some of your goals with FT moving forward?

My goals moving forward are to get stronger and work on my definition. I've hit my weight loss goal, so I know with hard work, dedication, and the guidance of my trainers I will reach this goal sooner than later.

Q: Anything else you would like to share with others looking to hit their goals?

Never give up! You will have setbacks and struggles but keep pushing through. It will make you appreciate all the hard work you put in once you hit those goals!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.