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Client of the Month - Elisa M

Nov 30, 2021

Congratulations to Elisa M. for being our next client of the month! Elisa has been an FT client for over 15 years and has been an inspiration for so many over that time period! Her dedication, perseverance, and consistency has been able to keep her going for so long. She has gotten a lot stronger over the years and attributes that to setting specific goals to help her stay focused. Check out her story below through her time at FT:

Q: How long have you been with Fitness Together, and how often are you working out both inside and outside of the studio?

I've been with Fitness Together for nearly 15 years. Can you believe it?! I work out in the studio three days a week (usually twice in person and once by video). In addition, I try to swim at least two times a week. Recently, I've also been coming in early to my in-person sessions to run a mile on the treadmill before my workout. This is the most exercise I've ever done in my life!

Q: What are the results you've seen so far?

The main result for me is that I feel so much stronger. I just got back from a trip to Italy with two of my adult children (in their 20s). It was a strenuous journey--lugging bags up and down stairs, into and out of trains, and tons of walking on cobblestone streets. I had no trouble keeping up with the young ones--my balance was great (those 40 lb. Farmers Carry exercises paid off!) and I had so much energy.

Q: What can you attribute mostly to your success so far? What hurdles did you have to get over in order to succeed?

I think the main thing for me is just sticking with the program. Before I started coming to Fitness Together, I never found an exercise program that worked for me. The one-on-one training with people who know me, know when to push me and when to encourage me, and are invested in my health and well-being, is what really makes a difference. I have definitely had some hurdles to overcome. I broke my foot earlier this year and was stuck in a boot; but my trainers found a way to adjust my program so I could still get a workout. I also had a serious bout of vertigo during the pandemic, and we worked around that as well.

Q: What are some of your goals with FT moving forward?

Right now, I'm focused on finding sustainable ways to increase my cardio. That's part of the reason I started swimming and doing the short pre-workout runs. If I can keep that up until it's a habit, I'll be happy!

Q: Anything else you would like to share with others looking to hit their goals?

You can't hit a goal until you set a goal. I find that setting modest but very specific goals (like, "I'm going to add 20 minutes of cardio to my workout each week") makes it easier to reach them and that helps build momentum.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.