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Client of the Month - Duncan R

Oct 12, 2022

Congratulations to Duncan R. being our next client of the month! Duncan has been a client at Fitness Together since June 2021, and has reached many goals over his time as a client. Check out his story below:

Q: How long have you been with Fitness Together, and how often are you working out both inside and outside of the studio?

Approx. 16 months. I also go to yoga classes a few times a month and get on my bike 2-3 times a month.

Q: What are the results you've seen so far?

I've lost 10 pounds and have gotten a lot stronger. People have noticed and I get compliments. My wife says my butt looks great. I wake up every morning feeling strong and energized. Prior to Fitness Together, that was usually not the case.

Q: What can you attribute mostly to your success so far? What hurdles did you have to get over in order to succeed?

I need to have a coach to hold me accountable. I cannot go to the gym by myself. I hate gyms. By incorporating my workouts into my life/schedule, I have been able to stick with it. I like working with different trainers - I think variety is important. Every person I train with wants me to succeed. And everyone is positive and kind. That's important. I had a strange shoulder injury for about 4 months that made it difficult to lift things over my head. The team really tailored my workouts to work through it. It worked. No more shoulder pain. Got my mobility back and it feels great. I cannot understate the level of expertise it took to get me back to full strength. I totally trust the people I train with.

Q: What are some of your goals with FT moving forward?

I don't really have specific fitness goals in terms of numbers or outcomes. They aren't that important to me. I just want to stay strong and in shape. And I want my clothes to fit me well. I guess if I had to name one goal it would be a 10 minute plank. I will achieve this, but I don't have a specific date.

Q: Anything else you would like to share with others looking to hit their goals?

It takes time, and then the results finally sneak up on you and surprise you. That "45 minutes" in the long run has made a huge difference in my life and my headspace. Well worth the money. Never give up. Consistency is key.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.