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Client of the Month - Amy R

Aug 31, 2021

Congratulations to Amy R. for being our next client of the month! Amy has been a client with Fitness Together since 2018! She has seen amazing changes over the past three years, and she says herself, "Consistent exercise has drastically improved my mental health." Check out her story below:

Q: How long have you been with Fitness Together, and how often are you working out both inside and outside of the studio?

I’ve been with Fitness Together since 2018! I started out with 3 days a week in studio, with limited exercise outside of the studio. Now I am in the studio 2 days a week, and do cardio on my own at least 4 days a week.

Q: What are the results you've seen so far?

So many! But some big milestones have been: 1) no more aches and pains in my legs; 2) being able to run again, and successfully running my first 5k with no walking; 3) I’ve lost (and kept off) 20 lbs so far; 4) consistent exercise has drastically improved my mental health.

Q: What can you attribute mostly to your success so far? What hurdles did you have to get over in order to succeed?

My success has mostly been due to changing the way I view exercise and progress, and THAT success is due to the FT team, especially Shay and Aidan. In the past I’ve let the scale dictate my perception of success, and I now know there are so many other positive things that come from exercising consistently, even if the scale doesn’t budge. The team at FT is always eager to point out my successes!

The biggest hurdle I had to overcome was my own mind and self doubt. I have bipolar depression, and there were a lot of mornings early on where I couldn’t drag myself out of bed because I didn’t think I could get through a session. But the FT Team encouraged me to just show up at any level of energy, and do what I could, and they were eager to meet me where I was. With that mentality, I’ve built a consistent exercise routine, and that consistency has paid off.

Q: What are some of your goals with FT moving forward?

My next two goals are 1) trying to improve my running pace, and 2) working with the FT team on my nutrition so I can continue to lose weight.

Q: Anything else you would like to share with others looking to hit their goals?

Show up for yourself! What I mean by that is, set small goals that meet your immediate needs and that work with your current circumstances - then fully commit to them. Following through on even the smallest goals builds confidence, and little successes build up and lead to amazing results.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.