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Last-Minute Personal Training Tips to Prep You for the Beach

May 20, 2022

Memorial Day heralds the unofficial kickoff of summer and the entire beach-going season. If you’re worried opportunities have passed you by to prep for a more bathing suit-ready physique, don’t be. These five last-minute personal training tips can help you feel better about yourself, and your lifestyle, before hitting the sand over the next few months.

  1. Make daily dedication a priority. Thirty minutes per day, every day. That’s the minimum workout with the summer fun time crunch at hand. Cardio will get your heart beating, your blood pumping, and your body moving, while total body exercises like pushups, squats, and deadlifts will reinforce your core and target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Talk to your trainer about modifications that can be made to your regimen and make the most of your sessions before your vacation.
  2. Set realistic goals. If you’re going from zero to exercise with only weeks to spare before that trip to the shore, a bikini body that sets Instagram ablaze might not be immediately attainable. However, boosting your body’s stamina and endurance, allowing you to make the most out of your vacation can be. Talk to your personal trainer about your wants and needs, and how viable they are within your schedule. And keep in mind – a toned physique is possible with the right training and a stick-to-it attitude. Maybe not for this beach trip, but definitely for one down the road.
  3. Become a temporary teetotaler. One of the biggest personal training tips when the waistline is at stake? Don’t drink your calories. If weight loss is your goal, steer clear of alcohol, soda, sweet teas, and all other beverages that are chock full of calories. Remember: water, herbal tea, or black coffee are your friends when a successful beach workout is on the menu.
  4. Eat more thoughtfully. Winter was a whirlwind of calories, cookies, cakes, and pies. Now’s the time to clear your plate, so to speak, of these treats and also things like red meat and dairy. Frequent your local farmers’ markets, which should now be opening in droves, and make fish, chicken, and eggs mealtime staples. Nuts and fruits are always healthy choices, but if weight loss is your overall goal, you may want to forego them temporarily to lower your sugar and fat consumption. You can also speak to your personal trainer and/or nutritionist about reestablishing a balanced diet.
  5. Get some rest. You’re going to need it. Following these personal training tips doesn’t have to be torture, but it is going to take effort. Adequate sleep is a cornerstone of successful weight loss and recharges your body as it recovers from exercise. Eight hours per night is the golden standard.

Fitness Together Ellicott City offers customizable workout programs to help clients lose weight and achieve their fitness goals throughout the summer and at any time of the year. Most importantly, our personal training tips and guidance can improve your self-esteem and set you on the path to a healthier lifestyle. Call us at 410-750-2228 to learn more.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.