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November Client of the Month

Nov 6, 2023

Andy is what we call an "O.G!"

Andy joined the Fitness Together family back in 2006 (maybe earlier... our records don't even go back that far!).

So, yes you heard me right... Andy has been an amazing client for 17 years!

His story is simple: Andy wanted to lose fat and gain muscle and he knew he needed someone to push him to do it!

He took his nutrition seriously from the beginning and his hard work and consistency has paid off. You would never believe that Andy is the age that he is. He is in great shape, all because 17 years ago, he made the decision to make health and fitness a priority in his life. Andy has 2 kids and a busy career. Like most people his age, he's had some life challenges but Andy says "that working out consistently at Fitness Together helps clear my mind and makes me feel better all around." He also says that working out regularly makes him more efficient at work and able to enjoy himself when he wants to, without feeling all the guilt.

When we asked Andy what he loves about FT and why he's continued to trust us year after year, he simply said, "It feels like family." He also added that "the trainers push me to do more than I could on my own and I like that my sessions are scheduled well in advance so that they are on my calendar and I make it a priority. The atmosphere is always positive and the trainers are knowledgeable and experienced so they can work around any injuries or aches and pains that I have."

Well, Andy, you are an inspiration and an AWESOME client. Keep up the great work and we can't wait to see what the next 17 years brings ;) !!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.