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Moderation is Key

Nov 29, 2022

Moderation will be your saving grace during the holiday season AND every day. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying an indulgent, festive dinner — but you’ll want to make sure that your meals surrounding it are healthy and nutrient-dense.

It’s easy to go all-out but sometimes eating better is as simple having just a little bit of your favorite, not-so-healthy foods surrounded by lots of the healthier ones. Often times, we just need a little taste to get the satisfaction we desire.

Further, be sure to exercise on the days that you are going to have a higher caloric intake. For example, if you know you are going to go out to eat or go to a holiday dinner, don’t skip your workout that day. Remember, losing, gaining or maintaining your weight is a simple (well, mostly) math equation: Calories in should be less than calories out. Workouts can help tremendously with this. If you consume 2,000 calories in a day, have a basal metabolic rate of 1,800 calories and burn an additional 400 calories in your workout, you’re golden! Imagine the same scenario where you don’t workout…now you’ve consumed more than you’ve burned which, in long run will = weight gain.


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