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Tips to Establishing a Consistent Fitness Routine

Sep 2, 2024

Tips to Establishing a Consistent Fitness Routine and Sticking With It

Are you struggling with staying on a consistent workout routine? The hardest part isn’t usually getting started, it's keeping with it long enough for it to become a habit. But once the habit is established it is much easier to stay on track even when life gets hectic (holidays,vacations,illness, etc).

  1. Schedule your workout time like a non negotiable appointment. You generally wouldn't just not show up to a doctor's appointment so why do it to yourself?? Put it in your calendar, set an alarm, make it at a time that may not be a complete interruption in your day like after or before work.
  1. Commit to doing this for 30 days - many people have found it takes 21 to 30 days to build a habit, so after 30 days it just becomes part of your routine.
  1. Set small achievable goals - maybe it's to do 10 minutes of cardio during your workout and then build from there… it could even be making sure you get to the gym for an hour each day even if your workouts don’t look like much at first. It’s important you have an attainable goal and make the commitment to achieving it.
  1. Track your progress - Your progress can be how much weight you lifted last week compared to this week or that you can now do 10 pushups whereas before you were knocking down 4 of them - that’s progress! Your progress strongly ties into the goals you're setting as well.
  1. Don’t make excuses for yourself - we know life happens, maybe you got stuck in a work meeting, maybe one of the kids is sick, stuff happens - just don't let it derail you. Get right back to it the next day.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.