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Ready for Anything: Feeling Great All Summer!

Jun 15, 2024

School is out, vacation plans are on, and you’re ready for all the fun and activity that summer will bring your way. If you’re someone who seriously boosts your activity level when it’s warm and the sun is shining, it’s key to give your body a little extra TLC to make sure you’re up for that last-minute hike, prepped with a healthy and delicious option for that last-minute picnic, or prepared for spending the day in the air (or on the road) as you make it to your favorite vacation spot.

Here’s how you can use nutrition, stress management, and healthy exercise to help make sure you’re ready for anything this summer. Let’s dig in!

Fuel Your Summer

There’s nothing better than a refreshing summer meal enjoyed outdoors with friends. With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, which can help make this summer the healthiest—and most delicious—season of the year, and, in turn, help you feel energized and ready for whatever summer throws at you.

Fresh Fruits and Veggies: Your Secret Weapon

Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of nutrient-rich, in-season produce! When you choose fruits and veggies that are in-season, you won’t just notice that they taste better—you may notice that your grocery bill is significantly lower.

While the exact fruits and veggies that are in season in each area of the United States can vary depending on climate, this list is accurate for most of the country. If you’re lucky enough to live in a tropical climate don’t forget to take advantage of the fresh citrus fruits and delectable warm-weather veggies that you get to enjoy year-round.

While enjoying fresh summer fruits and veggies on their own can be absolutely satisfying, you may find that it’s easy to get a wide variety of produce when you incorporate your favorites (and new-to-you options) into your meals.

Dust Off the Grill

Grilling is a fantastic way to enjoy lean protein and summer veggies! Getting plenty of protein is important for your health year-round, and it’s especially important to load up on this muscle-fueling macronutrient if you’re increasing your activity levels this summer.

Protein isn’t just important for supporting muscle growth, however. Increasing your protein intake can also:

  • Boost your body’s levels of peptide YY, which helps you feel satisfied after eating
  • Support bone health and lower the risk of osteoporosis
  • Give your metabolism a boost
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Support healthy weight loss and weight loss maintenance

Understandably, it can be a pain to fire up and clean the grill regularly, but using your grill as a meal prep tool can help you enjoy the benefits of lean grilled protein frequently. Consider making a double batch of protein each time you grill, saving the extra for salads and tacos in the days ahead.

Hydration is Key!

Getting plenty of water is always key to great health, but in the summer, staying hydrated is especially vital. In addition to drinking plenty of water, eating produce that has a high water content (such as watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, and oranges) can help to support your body’s digestion and help to regulate your body temperature.

An important note: on especially hot days, it can be tough to make up for the water loss that your body can experience during exercise as it works to cool itself under the sun. If at all possible, avoid the sun between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm (that’s when the sun’s rays are most intense), and seek shade if you can. If you have to exercise during these times, take plenty of breaks, try to stay in the shade whenever you can, and give your body plenty of extra water, hydrating foods, and rest to recover.

Managing Summer Stress

Summer is supposed to be the time when you’re able to kick back and relax, but for many, it doesn’t feel this way. Changing schedules, struggles with finding childcare, financial stress, and an endless calendar of gatherings can feel exhausting. If you feel your stress levels rise along with the temperature each summer, you’re not alone. Here’s a look at how you can work to manage your summer mental health so that you’re ready for whatever summer brings.

Managing Summer Schedules

Getting a clear picture of what you and your family are up to this summer can help steer you away from overbooking and ensure that you have the downtime you need. Placing a large calendar where everyone in the family can see what’s happening for the month can be a great way to make sure you’re all on the same page.

If you live alone, keeping a clearly visible schedule is still vital to keeping summer stress low. By checking your calendar before you say yes to an invitation, you’re giving yourself time to take a step back, make sure you’re not overbooked, and consider whether you have the logistical and mental capacity to take on a new event.

Saying No: Yes, You Can!

You love your family and friends, and it can be tough to turn down an invitation. That being said, sometimes it’s a must for your mental health. Feeling your best means prioritizing self-care, and that can mean turning down invitations from time to time.

Struggling to figure out how to regretfully decline an invitation from a friend or family member? Try these tips:

  • “There’s no room in the schedule that day—ugh! I hope you have a great time!” Your schedule doesn’t have to be booked with social obligations—self care can (and should) have a place on your calendar as well. There’s no reason to ditch your afternoon reading time, yoga class, or other time to kick back and decompress for a social event (unless you want to).
  • “I’d love to, but I’m super booked that week. Perhaps later in the month?” If you wish you could see a friend but just don’t have the bandwidth, suggesting an alternative can show that you value their company regardless.
  • “I can’t this time, but send pics please! I’m sorry I’ll miss it!” Sometimes, no explanation is required. Conveying your excitement for them while still declining is a polite way to turn down an invitation.

Starting a New Habit to Support Your Mental Health

Summer can provide some space from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the year, allowing you to reflect on your mental health. This can be the perfect time to start a new practice that provides you with the emotional and mental health support that you need to feel your best. Trying out a session with a trained mental health professional can help you sort out the stress of summer. Bonus: Many therapists and other mental health professionals have openings in the summer due to changing client schedules, so you may find it easier to get an appointment than you would at other times of the year.

Maximize the Benefits of Movement

You know that keeping your body healthy is vital to staying ready for anything. At a Fitness Together® studio the goal is to help you maximize your enjoyment of the summer season by moving your body.

Take Advantage of Extra Daylight

Thinking about checking out a new trail? Curious about paddle boarding? Interested in hitting the waves for the first time? The extra daylight available in the summer offers fantastic opportunities to try something new without cramping your schedule.

Getting your workout in when the sun is not-all-the-way-up or not-all-the-way-down doesn’t just make it easier to fit new activities into your schedule—it’s also smart for your health. During the early morning and later evening hours, the sun’s strength is no longer at its peak, allowing you to fully enjoy summer activities with less worry of overheating.

Start a Program With a Personal Trainer

Summer is the perfect time to create a new routine that you can stick to once the business of fall begins to set in. At a Fitness Together studio, your personal trainer will work with you to understand your goals and create a personalized plan that will have you ready for all that summer brings.

Whether you’ve tried personal training before or you’re curious about it for the first time, book a session to learn more. Your personal trainer can help you increase your general fitness level to ensure that you’re ready for anything this summer, help you prepare for a specific event (5k on the horizon, perhaps?), work with you to help you strengthen your muscles following an injury, and more.

Make Exercise a Family Affair

You want your family to establish healthy habits, and summer can be a fun time to add family physical activity to your schedule.

Some tips to get started:

  • Start going for daily after-dinner walks. There’s no need to have the entire family on board (schedules can make this tough during the summer). Set out for a walk, invite everyone who is home to join you, and stick to it!
  • Explore on foot. Whether you’re having a staycation and checking out all that your hometown has to offer or you’re learning your way around a vacation spot, hitting the road on foot is a great way to slow down, get your blood flowing, and make memories as a family.
  • Suggest exercise to catch up. Summer can offer many opportunities to see friends and family members who you don’t get to interact with as often as you’d like. If someone is coming into town and wants to catch up, think about suggesting going for a hike instead of going for coffee. You’ll get to create a new memory together and you’ll both feel great when you’re done.

No Matter How You’re Moving This Summer, A Fitness Together Studio is Here to Help!

At Fitness Together studios are here to help you get and stay ready for anything so that you can enjoy all that summer has to offer. When you work with a Fitness Together studio, your personal trainer will talk with you about your goals and create a plan that allows you to tackle them head-on. Your personal trainer will work with you every step of the way, supporting you as you move toward your goals one session at a time. Reach out to your local Fitness Together studio today to learn more and get started.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.


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