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Get the Most Out of Fall With a Fitness Bucket List

Sep 15, 2024

When the leaves begin to change, it’s easy to get into the mentality of putting your fitness goals off until the coming New Year. That being said, there’s no reason to wait! The Fitness Together® brand has plenty of time left in 2024, and using the remaining months of the year to work toward a new goal can be a fantastic way to make the most of your time.

This fall, Fitness Together studios’ personal training team members are here to help you boost your health this fall by helping you create your fall fitness bucket list. No matter what your health goal, a Fitness Together studio will be with you every step of the way as you work toward feeling your best.

This fall, create a bucket list for fitness goals to help motivate and spur you in to action.

Potential Bucket List Item #1: Become a Runner

Whether you dream of running a mile without having to stop for a walking break or you’ve got your eye on running a 10K in the coming months, there are many small steps that you can take as you work toward becoming a regular runner.

Add these items to your to-do list if you want to see your body evolve into a speed and distance machine:

  • Recognize the importance of warming up. According to Christine Luff, certified personal trainer for Verywell Fit, blood vessels dilate as you warm up before a run. After completing a warmup that includes static stretches and dynamic stretches, Luff recommends starting with a slow jog. “Allowing your heart rate to increase gradually is beneficial, rather than immediately demanding max heart output by jumping full speed into your running routine,” says Luff.
  • Remember, slow and steady wins the race. When you’re psyched about starting a running program, it can be tempting to lace up your shoes and light the world on fire with your first training run. Doing so, however, can do more harm than good. According to REI Co-Op, it’s a good idea to work your way up to walking briskly for half an hour before you add running to your routine.
  • Start tracking. Using an app like Strava or Runkeeper can help you keep your eyes open to trends and improvements in your training. While you can keep your data to yourself, you can also use these apps to connect with others at a similar training level, giving you a community of support that can help you reach your goals.
  • Talk with your trainer about strengthening and injury-prevention exercises. Whether you’re starting a training program for the first time or you’re ramping up your current regimen, it’s smart to talk with your trainer about how your sessions can support your running routine. Be sure to mention if you’ve experienced a running-related injury in the past so that they’re able to work with you to develop a preventative care plan.

Potential Bucket List Item #2: Improve Your Nutrition

If you, like so many people, have said, “I want to eat better,” a million times but aren’t sure how to actually put it into practice, here’s some tips. While cleaning up your eating sounds appealing, it can often be a little tricky to figure out what exactly you’re supposed to do to improve your diet.

Let’s take a look at some to-do list items you can add for this fall to get the most out of your nutrition plan.

  • Try one new produce item each week. Adding new fruits and veggies to your routine can help you get a wider variety of vitamins and nutrients, help your family try fun new recipes, and keep your tastebuds from getting bored with the same healthy options. If you have little ones, bring them to the store with you to choose a new fruit or veggie once in a while—they can be more likely to want to give it a try when they’ve picked it out themselves.
  • Focus on what you can add instead of what you can cut out. When you’re working to clean up your nutrition, it can be tough to figure out where to start. Focusing on the nutrient-dense foods that you can add—instead of thinking about what you have to cut out—can help keep your mind focused on all that you’re adding to your life by improving your eating habits.
  • Talk to a personal trainer. Working with a fitness pro can provide you with some insight into what type of nutrition plan is the right fit to support your goals. A personal trainer can provide you with guidance on when, what, and how much to eat, and can help you troubleshoot your nutrition plan when you hit fitness plateaus.
  • Learn to—truly—listen to what your body needs. Learning to understand your body’s needs can be a key part of improving your health. Paying attention to the foods that fuel your body and help you feel your best can provide insight into what foods are the right fit for you. An important note: listening to your body doesn’t mean eating everything that tastes good all of the time, rather, it means paying attention to what your body truly needs (for example, more rest instead of a regular afternoon latte).

Potential Bucket List Item #3: Make Meaningful Movement a Habit

When you’re pressed for time, it can be tough to fit meaningful movement into your daily schedule. Thankfully, there are small steps that you can take that will encourage you to stay on track—no matter how many items you have on the calendar this week.

Try these tips to add healthy, intentional movement to your day for the rest of 2024 and beyond:

  • Use a fitness tracker to note progress toward your daily goal. Current short-term research shows that people who wear fitness trackers get nearly an extra hour of physical activity each week, according to Harvard Health. Add an extra walk at lunch, take an extra lap around the block when you’re walking your dog at the end of the day, or spend a few extra minutes chasing your kiddos around the playground and watch your numbers soar.
  • Get curious about what type of movement you enjoy. The best workout is the one you’ll actually do. If you’re new to exercise, you’ve got tons of options to help you add movement to your life. There’s no need to commit to a single form of exercise! Working with a personal trainer, taking group fitness classes, trying at-home yoga, or heading into the great outdoors for a hike can all help you discover what kind of movement feels best for your body.
  • Treat exercise as an appointment. You wouldn’t cancel a doctor’s appointment, and it’s important that you don’t cancel your exercise appointments with yourself either. Whether you’re working with a personal trainer or you’re getting your workouts in on your own, get it on the calendar just like you would any other appointment (and don’t forget to enjoy the satisfaction of crossing it off of the list once it’s done!).
  • Make it a group effort. For some people, exercise is the perfect time for quiet reflection. For others, it’s a chance to socialize! If you fall into the latter category, making exercise a group effort can provide you with the mental, physical, and social wellness boosts that you need to feel your best. Think about joining a running or walking club, getting some friends together to hit up a group fitness class, or signing up for a sports club in your area.

Potential Bucket List Item #4: Incorporate Mindfulness

The concept of mindfulness is simple: it’s the ability to be fully in the present moment, aware, relaxed, and centered.

According to the National Library of Medicine, mindfulness has many benefits, including:

  • Improved focus
  • Fewer depressive symptoms
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved memory
  • Less emotional reactivity
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Increased relationship satisfaction

While it’s clear that mindfulness has a wide variety of benefits, today’s fast-paced world can make it tough to stay fully focused in the present. For most people, mindfulness is much easier said than done. That being said, taking some time to devote to mindfulness each day can help you begin to reap the benefits of staying in the present moment.

Some ways that you can incorporate mindfulness into your life include:

  • Set aside just a few minutes of time for mindfulness each day. If you’re new to the world of mindfulness, it can be a bit anxiety-provoking to sit quietly with your thoughts for an extended period of time. If this applies to you, starting with just a few (2-3) minutes of mindfulness can help you work your way up to longer sessions. Using grounding techniques—such as focusing on five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste—can make it easier to keep your focus out of the past and future.
  • Find pockets in your day when you can go tech-free. It’s tough to focus on the present when you’re scrolling through your phone or have mindless TV playing in the background. Taking some time to go tech-free can help. Putting your phone on silent when you’re driving, taking some time to do household chores without distractions, or enjoying a walk with your partner, kids, friends, or pet without your phone can help you enjoy what’s happening in the real world.
  • Try a meditation or yoga class to clear your mind. There’s no reason to figure out mindfulness on your own! Signing up for a meditation workshop or yoga class can provide you with the guidance that you need to practice mindfulness regularly. If you’d prefer to check out meditation and yoga options at home, try the Calm app and Yoga with Adriene.
  • Find creative activities that support your mental health. It’s tough to focus on anything other than the present moment when you’re engaged in creative pursuits. Playing music, painting, drawing, sculpting, singing, and writing can all help you focus on and appreciate the present moment.

Potential Bucket List Item #5: Support Healthy Recovery with Great Sleep

Between back-to-school events, kids sports starting up, and work getting busier as you shift out of summer mode, the Fitness Together brand gets that it can be tough to add more items to your list this fall. Focusing on recovery and healthy sleep can give you the energy boost that you need to push forward, no matter how busy things become.

Some action items to include on your better-sleep plan can include:

  • Create a relaxing nighttime routine. It can be all-too-tempting to just crash into bed at the end of the day, scroll social media, and finally go to sleep when you can’t keep your eyes open any longer. Creating a healthy sleep routine, however, can set you up for sleep success. Turning off electronic devices about an hour before you go to bed, relaxing with a calming book or meditation practice, and keeping your room at a comfortably cool temperature can all make it easier for you to drift off at night.
  • Figure out the amount of sleep that works for you. Paying attention to the amount of sleep that makes you feel your best is key to developing the sleep routine that makes sense for your body. According to the National Institutes of Health, most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Once you understand the amount of sleep that helps you feel your best, work to prioritize your sleep schedule as often as possible (including on the weekends).
  • Reach out for help if you need it. Some health conditions can make it tough to get the sleep that you need, and working with your doctor can help. If you’re trying to implement healthy sleep habits and are still having trouble falling asleep at night, talk with your doctor about setting up a sleep study so they can learn whether you’re having health issues that may be affecting your sleep.

Fitness Together Studio is Here to Help You Finish The Year Strong!

When you get started with a Fitness Together studio, an experienced personal training team member will work with you to create a personalized program to help you move toward your goals, whatever they may be. At each session, you’ll get to take a look at your progress and adjust your methods (if necessary). Getting fit is more fun when you do it with a team. A Fitness Together studio is with you every step of the way as you work to become the happiest, healthiest, version of yourself. Reach out today to learn more!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.


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