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September 2023 Client of the Month - Christina

Sep 12, 2023

What was your reason for starting at Fitness Together?

I felt completely lost as to how to start getting in shape and wanted the 1:1 connection with a trainer to help me get started. I also knew that having appointments meant that I would actually show up.

What Has Fitness Together helped you with most?

The programs are designed for my needs, and there have been so many improvements with the little aches and pains, as well as increasing my overall strength. The focus on feeling well shows that it’s not just about losing weight!

How do you think you have most improved since working with Fitness Together?

I feel more capable and motived to move when I’m not at a session. I’m happier knowing I’m putting in the work to be fit and strong.

How has Fitness Together helped you with your nutrition?

It helped me get back to the basics after trying lots of fad or otherwise restrictive diets. It reminded me that there is a balance with all kinds of foods, rather than relying on extreme measures to achieve healthy eating.

What do you like the most about the staff or atmosphere?

Everyone is so friendly and greets me by name. I feel like I have a community that cares about me, how I’m doing, and how to help me achieve my goals. Showing up is legitimately a pleasure.

Do you have any funny or inspiring tales of Fitness Together antics?

The overall dedication of the staff keeps me coming back. Their expertise and motivation, specifically Megan & Julianne in my case, has inspired me to prioritize my fitness journey. Every accomplishment is genuinely celebrated, and the encouragement to keep improving is constant.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.