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September 2022 Client of the Month- Barry G

Sep 6, 2022

What was your reason for starting at Fitness Together?

I had stopped playing hoops a couple of years before Covid and became totally sedentary during Covid. My doctor recommended 90 minutes of exercise per week.

What Has Fitness Together helped you with most?

Developing a regular exercise regimen that includes strength training and cardio. It has also helped me with my balance and flexibility.

How do you think you have most improved since working with Fitness Together?

My endurance.

How has Fitness Together helped you with your nutrition?

By adding a fourth evening meal and consuming more protein, especially chicken.

What do you like the most about the staff or atmosphere?

Everyone is friendly and focuses on my individual improvement. Each training session is challenging, but with achievable results. Every trainer encourages me in their individual way.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.