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November 2023 Client of the Month-Dan

Nov 16, 2023

What was your reason for starting at Fitness Together?

I started at Fitness Together because I was looking to restart a routine of working out, knowing I needed structure and guidance to get started again.

What Has Fitness Together helped you with most?

Fitness Together has helped me the most with addressing my overall health goals, not just establishing a workout routine. That includes mobility, flexibility, and nutrition. All of which have been a part of my sessions, which I really appreciate.

How do you think you have most improved since working with Fitness Together?

I think I’ve improved my motivation the most since working with Fitness Together. It sounds a bit cheesy but I’m more motivated to stay on track with workouts, sleep, cardio, and nutrition because I feel better and I’m seeing steady progress.

How has Fitness Together helped you with your nutrition?

I will admit that I was skeptical when I learned there was a nutrition component to the program. I assumed I’d be mostly ignoring it. I assumed it would be restrictive and unrealistic. It’s been the opposite. I’ve had to make changes, for sure, but I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. I feel more educated about how I eat and I think it’s been a big part of processing toward my goals. Best of all, it’s been sustainable.

What do you like the most about the staff or atmosphere?

I have felt welcomed since the first time I visited Fitness Together. All the trainers are genuinely kind. I feel like everyone knew my name and was asking about my day after I had only been a couple of times. I imagine lots of training programs would tout their welcoming atmosphere, but the folks at Fitness Together actually do it. I enjoy going to every session. I used to dread exercise and now I kind of look forward to it.


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.