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Motivation Wanes. Habits Stick. Make Lasting Changes.

Nov 15, 2024

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” —Jim Rohn

January 1st is just around the corner, and for many of us, that means that it’s time to dive into healthy new habits. At the Fitness TogetherⓇ studios, we’re here to help you feel your best, year-round, and we’re here to support you if you’re ready to use the motivation of a fresh start to ramp up your fitness journey! No matter where you’re currently at in your path toward becoming your healthiest self, we’ve got your back.

Here, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about starting new habits, including how long it takes to form a habit, steps that you can take to stay strong in your habits when motivation wanes, and why it makes sense to get started now—before the onset of the New Year.

How Long Does It Take to Form a Habit?

If you’ve started researching habits, it’s likely that you’ve come across a ton of answers to the question of how long it takes for a habit to actually form. Current research shows that on average, it takes 66 days to form a new habit. That being said, there are many factors that influence how long it takes to stick to something new, including the difficulty of the habit you’re working to implement, the level of motivation that you feel to make a change, and your consistency levels as you initially work to make your new habit permanent.

The Science of Habits

At the start of each year, 44% of Americans make resolutions, and about half of them fail. Understanding the science behind habit formation can help to ensure that your efforts become a success story. The key to sticking to your habit day in and day out? Neuroplasticity (don’t worry—we’ll explain).

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to change over time. It’s likely that you had a high level of neuroplasticity when you were younger. You knew that if you studied the words that would be on your spelling test, you’d learn them and do well on the test, which encouraged you to continue your habit of studying. This is known as experience-dependent neuroplasticity. We reinforce habits by doing them again and again. The same idea applies to negative habits. For example, a person who smokes may associate the taste of a cigarette with stress relief, despite knowing that it’s a bad choice for their health.

Understanding that undesirable habits aren’t just a part of who you are can be the first step toward living a healthier, happier life. Self-directed neuroplasticity—the science of intentionally rewiring your brain to create positive habits—is a research-tested, active process that you can use to help new habits stick.

Tracking your progress can help you reframe the way you think about new habits. If you’re making an effort to improve your energy levels by exercising regularly, consider jotting down a sentence or two in a journal each time you hit the gym. The goal is to meld emotion with action. You might write, “I feel proud and satisfied because I went to the gym after a stressful day at work,” or “I feel excited that I’m getting stronger because of my personal training sessions.” Over time, your brain can learn to focus on the positive effects of your new habits, setting off a cycle that keeps you on the right track.

As you begin to see progress toward your ultimate goals—running a faster mile, chasing after your kids without getting out of breath, etc.—be sure to jot down the changes that you’re seeing. This allows your brain to learn that positive actions lead to positive results.

Habit Stacking: Your Secret Weapon

We’re all hard-wired to stick to what we know, and when it comes to building habits, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Habit stacking uses habits that you already have to support the development of new behaviors.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Take a day or two to pay attention to habits that you already have. You’re not looking to pass judgment or find areas for improvement at this stage. Make a list of some of the behaviors you do every day. These can include listening to a podcast, making coffee, watching TV after dinner, letting the dog out, etc.
  • Choose a cue. Take a habit that you already have, and attach a desired new behavior to that habit. For example, you might choose listening to a podcast as the cue to head out for your daily walk, or you might choose the cue of letting your dog out to lay out your workout clothes for the next morning.

Focus on one new habit at a time. Once you’ve had a few weeks of success, you can add another habit to your stack, or you can choose a new cue and start a new stack. Tracking your progress to see how far you’ve come over time can help you stay motivated as you move forward.

Set the Stage for Success

While it can be tempting to wait for the first day of the new year to start working toward a healthier lifestyle, laying the foundation now can set you up for future success. Thinking about the behaviors you’d like to change and devising strategies to help can mean that you’re ready to hit the ground running as the new year approaches.

In the first few weeks of any lifestyle change, there’s going to be roadblocks and issues to work around. While you might have the best intentions when it comes to going straight to the gym after work, you may find that it’s actually best for you to get it done first thing in the morning. You might feel fully committed to sticking to a specific nutrition plan, only to find that it’s not actually the best fit for your body’s needs.

Leaving some room for error can help you get out of an all-or-nothing mindset. As you begin the process of figuring out the methods that work best for you, you’ll be able to move into the new year with confidence, knowing that you’ve already taken care of the troubleshooting that so often throws great intentions off track.

Fitness Together: Supporting You On Every Step of Your Health Journey

When you make the decision to change your health, you’re taking a big step toward a better future.. No matter what obstacles you face as you work to become your healthiest self, the Fitness Together studios are there to help you jump over each hurdle. When you succeed (and you will), the Fitness Together crew will be heading up your cheering section. Getting strong and healthy is a team effort, and we’re excited to welcome you to the huddle. Reach out to your local Fitness Together studio today to learn more and set up your first session. We’ll see you soon!


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