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Why Weight Loss is Different for Everyone

Jul 21, 2021

One of the first things to lose when making a plan to lose weight is the idea that your body, or your journey, will look like anyone else’s. When we see someone achieving their weight loss and fitness goals, it’s almost impossible to resist asking them how they did it. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, as long as we keep sight of one important truth: your body is unlike any other and your journey will be too!

Your body is unique.

There is no one on earth like you. Your genetic mix is yours alone which means your body type, metabolism and nutrigenomics are unique to you too! All of these things will impact the way you lose weight, so it’s best to take a moment to understand them before setting your goals.

Body type: For our purposes, this means your height and shape. As you become healthier and more fit you may wear smaller clothes, see lumps, bumps, and roundness melt away, and notice a firmness that you didn’t have before. You will still, however, be the same height and general shape that you are now, just happier, healthier, firmer, and more able to do the things you love to do!

Metabolism: This is the rate at which you burn energy. It’s the reason why you and your best friend could eat the same things every day and see very different results. Many factors, including genetic makeup, contribute to your metabolic rate, but those things are ultimately less important than having a realistic understanding of your metabolism and taking it into account when setting your goals and making your plan. This way, you can set goals with timelines you’ll be able to meet!

Nutrigenomics: This is the way your body responds to types of food, supplements, nutrients, and eating patterns. Weight loss plans that take nutrigenomics into account include high carb/low carb diets, fasting plans, gut health programs, and supplements that promise to aid in the weight loss process. Responses to nutrigenomic plans vary from person to person, because genetic makeups vary from person to person. There is still so much we don’t understand about this evolving scientific space, but one thing is clear: there are no solutions that are one size fits all.

Your weight loss goal will be unique:

If your body type, metabolism, and nutrigenomics are unique, it stands to reason your weight loss goal should be too! Be reasonable with yourself. Find goals that work with your body type, like fitting into your favorite pair of jeans, meeting small weight loss goals that add up to more significant weight loss, or increasing your ability to be physical in small increments. You can also set goals that include being your happiest, healthiest, most active self and enjoy watching your body become healthier over time.

Your weight loss journey will be unique.

If your eating habits are in great shape, your journey might focus on activity. If you’re already active, your journey might focus more on nutrition. Your plan may even include looking at some surprising factors like sleep, stress level, work habits, travel habits, and seemingly harmless food choices like coffee or diet soda. Whatever the focus, its main objective should always be, of course, finding the combination that works for you. This task can sound daunting, but don’t worry. You don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help.

You don’t have to figure this out by yourself.

The good news is we know more about weight loss than we ever have! The bad news is, it’s way too much for one person to sort through. That’s why we recommend not tackling this task solo. One of the best things you can do for your health is to find an experienced and supportive person or program that can help you sort through the overload and start finding solutions. The Fitness Together® brand exists to be that resource for you.

How to get started with Fitness Together.

At Fitness Together studios certified personal trainers are dedicated to helping you set realistic goals, meet them, and then set new ones. We create a safe and fun environment with a customized personal training program built for you - regardless of your goals, fitness levels, abilities, or perceived limitations.

Ready to start? Your first step is to call and ask for a complimentary signature fit evaluation where personal trainers will take time to learn about your goals, health history, and take you through a mini workout, so they have the information they need to begin building your customized program. It’s a chance for you and your personal trainer to take stock of your starting point and make plans to help you reach your goals.

The sooner you start, the sooner you reach your goals.

Why wait? Call us today!


Schedule a complimentary fit evaluation so we can get to know you and your goals and build you a customized training program to reach them.